I’ve always been a, “Behind The Scenes (BTS)” type of person. For me it has been really cool to sit back and just allow others to hit the spotlight and shine on their own. Back when I began in 2012, I recall saying to myself that I wanted to be the, “Jerry Maguire” of photography for my clients. I had been to a few fitness shows prior to me going to any of them however, I was still BTS by doing backstage photography for the athletes, or just waiting until we had our shoot scheduled, but never going into the shows and watching the athletes perform.

On April 23rd, 2016, all of that changed. I was in Los Angeles awaiting to do my photo shoot with WBFF Pro Marcus Johnson. I recall standing outside of the auditorium where the show was and speaking with the passing by athletes. Marcus saw me outside and asked me, ‘Are you going in to watch the show’? I quickly responded with, ‘Nah, that’s not my thing.’ however, Marcus wasn’t hearing it. He ran over to the ticket booth and purchased me a ticket to the night show. He explained to me how important it is to be supportive and just be there for your people. At that moment, I felt like Jerry Maguire, and he became my Rod Tidwell. I had to be there, and I had to support my client. It was the motivation that I needed to step out of the shadows. That same night I met Marcus’ Sister and Father, and they instantly became family as well.

Unlike most fitness photographers, I do not and will not go to fitness shows begging athletes to work with me because I love their look. That type of behavior really just devalues my profession, and my peers. I’m forever for grateful for meeting Marcus because like a majority of my clients, he became a friend however unlike any of them, he became a man that I now call, “Brother”. Since that time, I’ve been to multiple WBFF, and Musclemania fitness shows around the United States. Now that I’m in Germany, I’ve attended the “Arnold Classic Europe”, and two DBFV shows to support the fitness athletes that I’ve met. I do whatever it takes to support my people. I do it with a genuine heart because sometimes they don’t have anyone there to support them, or they need to know that someone’s in their corner.

Mike Con
IG @mikeconphoto