Read MoreYou have to roll your pants up, get your feet wet, and bring forth the essence of your concept. For me, it’s not about just getting the goal, but exceeding it.

fitness photographer
Read MoreYou have to roll your pants up, get your feet wet, and bring forth the essence of your concept. For me, it’s not about just getting the goal, but exceeding it.
You’ve got to believe in yourself, and allow me, or your photographer of choice to help get the best 100% out of you. Don’t worry about another, “model” because for that moment…You are a model, so make the best of that moment and shine!!
Read MoreUnlike most fitness photographers, I do not and will not go to fitness shows begging athletes to work with me because I love their look. That type of behavior really just devalues my profession, and my peers. I’m forever for grateful for meeting Marcus because like a majority of my clients, he became a friend however unlike any of them, he became a man that I now call, “Brother”.
Read MoreRead MoreFor me as a fitness photographer, I get to learn the stories about my people and how they got to where they are. To me, that’s important because when they tell their true stories, there’s someone out there that’s probably going through the exact same story as the person that I’m working with. Sometimes it’s eating disorders, being bullied, growing up with abusive people, being the overweight person, or just wanting to better themselves physically, spiritually and mentally. They all have their own different reasons and struggles, and I love hearing about them because it drives me to ensure that they get the absolute best out of me, so they can tell their story if they desire to inspire.