The biggest feature that’ll catch your attention with Mandy is her eyes. Besides her goofy sense of humor and her laugh, she’s got these electric blue eyes that make you pay attention to her every word.
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fitness training
The biggest feature that’ll catch your attention with Mandy is her eyes. Besides her goofy sense of humor and her laugh, she’s got these electric blue eyes that make you pay attention to her every word.
Read MoreI met Katy via social media, and we started talking about doing a photo shoot together, and I saw that she too is a fellow photographer, and actually lived a few streets away from me in Castle Rock, CO. After a few weeks of not hearing back from Katy, I looked on her Facebook and lo and behold, tragedy struck in her family. Immediately, I reached out to Katy to check up on her and to see how her family was doing.
Read MoreDo you remember your first training session? How different is your training today?
I remember when I first joined a gym after having my son. That was more significant to me than my first time ever training in a gym was. I was a new mom and needed to get out of the house and find a community. I found it when I came back to the gym. (I’d had to give up the gym during my pregnancy due to complications.)
Read MoreAngie lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and drove over 10 hours to come and work with me. She was a referral from my client Leslie. Angie and I talked over the course of a couple of months to ensure that her shoot was 100% perfect. The shoot was so good, that I tried to convince her to pack up and move to Colorado to be around more fitness minded people (Colorado is awesome for that!). Below is the interview that I did with Angie. I truly hope that you read what she has to say, and I pray that it inspires others out there to do more, and be more!